A Trailer That Talks
Get real-time updates of its location, weight, load, and temperature
Get real-time updates of its location, weight, load, and temperature
Innovative high-precision AI sensors can record and upload real-time cargo volume and loading time, with an accuracy of up to 98%. It increases the average load factor by 2%.
Real-time cargo weight with an accuracy of up to 98% is uploaded to prevent stealing, counterfeiting, and fleeing.
G7 supports remote temperature control for real-time updates on cold chain freight statuses and quick troubleshooting. Our vibration detection technology secures fragile and collision-sensitive goods transportation and facilitates event review and liability cognizance.
Innovative high-precision AI sensors can record and upload real-time cargo volume and loading time, with an accuracy of up to 98%. It increases the average load factor by 2%.
All-aluminum structure guarantees an additional load of one ton every trip and an extra income of 50,000 yuan a year.
When the risk of overturning is detected, the system will automatically slow trucks down and increase the wheel braking force.
Real-time tire temperature and pressure monitoring can reduce the risk of flat tires, reduce tire wear by 5%, and cut fuel consumption by 1%.
Monthly payment can reduce financial risk and support more routes with the same investment
Rent can be used for input VAT deduction, up to 13%
Convenient renting and returning
Various options of tenancy periods from 1 to 5 years
Short-term lease by days and months during road-freight seasons
Rent the latest models to avoid regulatory risks