
A Trailer That Talks

Get real-time updates of its location, weight, load, and temperature

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IoT Trailer

AI-Supported Volume Measurement

Innovative high-precision AI sensors can record and upload real-time cargo volume and loading time, with an accuracy of up to 98%. It increases the average load factor by 2%.

Lightweight Trailer

All-aluminum structure guarantees an additional load of one ton every trip and an extra income of 50,000 yuan a year.

Safe Driving

Electronic Braking System (EBS)

When the risk of overturning is detected, the system will automatically slow trucks down and increase the wheel braking force.

Tire Temperature & Pressure Monitoring

Real-time tire temperature and pressure monitoring can reduce the risk of flat tires, reduce tire wear by 5%, and cut fuel consumption by 1%.

Flexible in Every Way

Financial Flexibility

Monthly payment can reduce financial risk and support more routes with the same investment

Full Tax Deduction

Rent can be used for input VAT deduction, up to 13%

National Network

Convenient renting and returning

Flexible Tenancy

Various options of tenancy periods from 1 to 5 years

Short Lease

Short-term lease by days and months during road-freight seasons

Always New

Rent the latest models to avoid regulatory risks

G7 Trailer Family

Express Delivery

Cold Chain

Bulk Freight

AIoT-based G7 Trailer Empowers the Industry into a Smart Age

Users of G7 Trailer